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Newbie questions on explosive traps

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Newbie questions on explosive traps Empty Newbie questions on explosive traps

Post  rushjet Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:27 pm

Not sure if this is the right place but it seemed so.

First in the rp fight rules book it says we all have 3 shurikens, 1 explosion tag, 1 smoke bomb and 1 "set of can traps"

Are those "can traps" the same as the "explosive tag trap" mentioned later in the book. If not I cant find a rule in it for "can traps"

Also in a question about using explosive tag traps.
The book say it takes a full turn to deploy the trap, and then if successful, you can make the trap explode any time later in combat.

I took that to mean you need a full turn to deploy and can them have it go off for free. But someone else told me that it would require a full turn to deploy and another action to detonate. Is his true? and if so why does it require two actions to get the same benefit as just throwing the explosive tag?


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2008-12-14

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Newbie questions on explosive traps Empty Re: Newbie questions on explosive traps

Post  DM Ramen Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:20 pm

your department anko, you know the answer?
DM Ramen
DM Ramen

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Newbie questions on explosive traps Empty Re: Newbie questions on explosive traps

Post  DM Anko Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:38 pm

rushjet wrote:Not sure if this is the right place but it seemed so.

First in the rp fight rules book it says we all have 3 shurikens, 1 explosion tag, 1 smoke bomb and 1 "set of can traps"

Are those "can traps" the same as the "explosive tag trap" mentioned later in the book. If not I cant find a rule in it for "can traps"

Also in a question about using explosive tag traps.
The book say it takes a full turn to deploy the trap, and then if successful, you can make the trap explode any time later in combat.

I took that to mean you need a full turn to deploy and can them have it go off for free. But someone else told me that it would require a full turn to deploy and another action to detonate. Is his true? and if so why does it require two actions to get the same benefit as just throwing the explosive tag?

No. The set of can traps is just an rp thing...cans on a string. To set a paper bomb trap, you use your 1 paperbomb. I've seen peope use the paperbomb and THEN the trap. That's not allowed, since you only have 1 paper bomb.

As to your second question, yes. It's free to detonate after you deploy it.
DM Anko
DM Anko

Female Number of posts : 363
Registration date : 2008-12-13

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Newbie questions on explosive traps Empty Re: Newbie questions on explosive traps

Post  rushjet Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:46 pm

Ok, so the explosive tag can be used normally or in a trap and as a trap it is a round to setup and later effects the target whenever you want, even in the middle of another attack.
Oh does that whenever really mean whenever, like you can rp it going off right befoe their attack, or right after, or only anytime on your turns?

Like, could I RP the substitution technique and as they realized they have just attacked a log, they notice its a log with an explosive tag and it explodes on them?


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2008-12-14

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Newbie questions on explosive traps Empty Re: Newbie questions on explosive traps

Post  DM Anko Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:46 am

No. you can only activate it during your turn.
DM Anko
DM Anko

Female Number of posts : 363
Registration date : 2008-12-13

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Newbie questions on explosive traps Empty Re: Newbie questions on explosive traps

Post  Renderd001 Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:33 am

so can one attach the explosive on a kunai and blow it up at ones feet in one turn?


Number of posts : 11
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Newbie questions on explosive traps Empty Re: Newbie questions on explosive traps

Post  DM Anko Tue Dec 16, 2008 3:03 am

Renderd001 wrote:so can one attach the explosive on a kunai and blow it up at ones feet in one turn?

Yes. But you don't roll the damage for the kunai. The kunai would just be rp to get the tag there.
DM Anko
DM Anko

Female Number of posts : 363
Registration date : 2008-12-13

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Newbie questions on explosive traps Empty Re: Newbie questions on explosive traps

Post  Feuerwelpe Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:43 am

It's not cantraps is what I was told. Just a horrible horrible mispelling of Caltrops. Though, I could be wrong, but what use would 'cans on a string' be to a ninja?

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