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Character Vault Request Format

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Character Vault Request Format Empty Character Vault Request Format

Post  DM Ramen Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:25 am

If you want your vault cleaned up of old characters or something to that effect, then this is where you ask. This is the duty of the host of the server, that's one person so please be considerate of the limitations a single person might have.

1. Please give a detailed information as possible including:
Game account name. This is your gamespy login name. This is necessary for us to find your vault!
Character (name) that you want deleted, but also include which one you do not want to have deleted.

2. Keep requests reasonable. Please do not create 20 "test" PC's and then ask me to delete them every other day. The host is NOT the local boutique!

3. Be patient. We're not sure how big a can of worms we are opening by offering this option, but we will do it as soon as we am able. Also, we will need to do this when you are not playing the PC so we may have trouble catching some of you more addicted (not that "addicted" is a bad thing here... ) players when you are off-line. If needed, we may log in and ask you to log out long enough for us to make the change as well.

So, we appreciate the understanding and patience.
DM Ramen
DM Ramen

Male Number of posts : 354
Registration date : 2008-12-04


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