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Ice Jutsu List

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Post  DM Ramen Thu Dec 04, 2008 2:42 am

**Snow Creation Jutsu
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
//Rank: S
//Chakra Cost: 20
RP Description: Uses the Atmosphere to create a snow storm to use the snow jutsu temporarily
PVP Effect: Creates enough Snow for S-Rank and down Ice jutsu for 2d4 rounds.
Teaching/Learning: (see Anko's training)-Ice element

**Ice Blade Jutsu
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
//Rank: C
//Chakra Cost: 5
RP Description: Makes an Ice blade that has a hidden effect to break shards oiff in your skin
PVP Effect: //Deals 1d8 + 1d4 per hit. The Iceblade lasts for 1d4 Rounds (genin), 1d6 Rounds (chuunin), 1d8 rounds (jounin)
Teaching/Learning: (see anko's training) - Ice element

**Snow Blind Jutsu
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Chakra Cost: 3
RP Description: Creates Ice over the opponents eyes disrupting them from attacking and such as this makes it too difficult.
PVP Effect: //*Wisdom vs Wisdom only* The opponent takes -2 to all attack and defense rolls depending on caster rank. Gennin 1d4, chunnin 1d6, jounnin 1d8.
Teaching/Learning: (see Anko's training) - Ice Element

**Ice Spike Jutsu
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
//Rank: C
//Chakra Cost: 5
RP Description: Makes an Ice Spike from snow or water, and then sends it at the opponent to impale them.
PVP Effect: //Deals 2d8 damage straight up.. nothing extra
Teaching/Learning: (see anko's training) - Ice element

**Snow Clone Jutsu
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
//Rank: C
//Chakra Cost: 5
RP Description: Makes an Ice Bunshin from snow.
//PVP Effect: Follow Bunshin rules for solid clones
Teaching/Learning: (see anko's training) - Ice element

**Twin Black Dragon Blizzard
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
//Rank: S
//Chakra Cost: 20
RP Description: Makes Two black dragons with red eyes and red mouths, which are made of snow shoot out of both arms, one going left, one going right, they spiral around in the air, then, circle around each other creating a huge black tornado.
Hitting everyone in the area besides the caster.
PVP Effect: //Deals 2d20 to 1d6 targets not including the user *Unblockable*
Teaching/Learning: (see anko's training) - Ice element

Dragon vs Tiger
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Chakra Cost: 8
RP Description: Creates a Giant Ice Tiger to destroy a "Dragon jutsu", Ice rains down and cuts up the Dragon jutsu user.
//PVP Effect: Used only to block Dragon jutsu "IE: Water Dragon, Fire Dragon, Ice Dragon"
If successful the blocked user takes 1d20 from falling Ice shards
Teaching/Learning: (see Anko's training)- Ice Element

White Whale Jutsu
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Chakra Cost: 13
RP Description: giant Ice Whale rises up and crashes on the user's target.
PVP Effect: 3d10 damage
Teaching/Learning: (see Anko's training) - Ice Element

Wolf Fang Avalanche
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Chakra Cost: 8
RP Description: Giant ice Wolves run down at the user's target, and bite, and rip at them. The wolves are about 3x that of a human.
PVP Effect:// 2d8 + 1d6
Teaching/Learning:(see Anko's training)- Ice element

Black Dragon Blizzard
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Chakra Cost: 13
RP Description: A giant black dragon made of snow with red eyes, shoots out and slams into the
User's target consuming and tossing them into the air.
PVP Effect: 1d20 + 2d8
Teaching/Learning: (see anko's training)- ice element

Ice Release: Ice Pillar Technique
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Chakra Cost: 3
RP Description: Causes an Ice Pillar to rise from the ground to smash into the target.
PVP Effect: Deals 1d10 damage to the target
Teaching/Learning: (See Ankos Training) Ice Element (Wind and Water)

Ice Release: Ice Rain Technique
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Chakra Cost: 10
RP Description: Causes a sheet of ice to rise up and burst, raining ice on the targets in the area, the shards
slice and cut into thier skin
PVP Effect: 1d20 to all in the area who fail the save. Undodgable.
Teaching/Learning: (See Ankos Training)- Ice Element (Wind and Water)

Ice Release: Ice Shard Barrage
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Chakra Cost: 13
RP Description: Shoots a barrage of icey shards at the target ripping them to shreds
with the icey blast as the shards are as sharp as razor blades.
PVP Effect: 1d20+2d4 damage to the target
Teaching/Learning: (See Ankos Training)- Ice element (Wind and Water)
DM Ramen
DM Ramen

Male Number of posts : 354
Registration date : 2008-12-04


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